Earlier this year I ran into Brian (of NoDa Brewing Company) at a Bobcats game and our conversation turned to creating websites and other topics that we geek out about. He introduced me to Squarespace and it changed how I view website creation and design. I stalked the Squarespace website for information, Googled my little heart out, and met with Brian later in the week for a real live demo… and to pick up a growler of beer for Easter weekend. That weekend I signed up for my 14 day trial and began the building process.
I am a big fan of simple and clean design. White background, black text, and a handful of accent colors. My website was complete in 10 hours during the first week of the trial. I purchased the service and, without breaking anything, connected it to my domain that I had purchased over a year ago.
Now it’s time to concentrate on in the Queen City. With the renewed focus will come the re-branding that I have put aside while working on other projects. I want to clean up the design and finally connect it to its own domain.
I’m sticking with Blogger for now and will need to figure out how to transfer my domain from GoDaddy to Google Apps without breaking anything.
So here is my plea: if you know anything about domains and Google Apps and Blogger, please help! I am willing to pay with a delicious homemade dinner (for those in the Charlotte area) and a growler of your favorite beer (if you are over the age of 21).
Love Squarespace! That's where my professional site is housed and it's where I will launch my new food blog in July. It's so intuitive and yes, clean!